Sunday, November 13, 2011

30 Day Challenge

Holy cow ~ over a month since I've posted anything on my blog!  Time sure has a way from slippin' away from me sometimes!  

I'm sharing this with everyone as it will make me more accountable.  I've decided to take on a personal 30 day challenge.  Just for me, to prove that I can follow through with it.  Simple enough.  I recently purchased a workout DVD called "Hip Hop Abs" ~ I've challenged myself to do the 30 minute DVD every day for 30 days, no excuses.  Of course eating well, drinking lots of water, and trying to lower my stress level are givens during this time period as well.  

I started the challenge last Monday - so today is actually my 7th day of doing the DVD. So proud of myself. Especially since during the week I got up early every day to ensure that I got my work out in. 

As you all know, I'm all about baby steps.  I would be THRILLED if by the end of my 30 day challenge I could lose 5 pounds and 5 inches.  Of course even more would be awesome....I just want to make sure that I'm setting attainable goals.  

I have to give a shout out to all of my friends who have been working so hard on their health goals ~ Marci, Nikki, Guy, Lori, Heather, Wendy, and Laurie you all inspire me.  Runs/walks/crossfit events etc. I am so very proud of all of you.  If I'm missing someone I apologize (hey give me a break, I'm getting old).

If anyone has any workout DVDs that you love - please let me know.  I'm more prone to things that involve dancing!  But all suggestions are certainly welcome.  

Also any secrets that keep you motivated - feel free to share!  

I will keep you posted on my progress - feel free to share your success stories.  I LOVE hearing those!  

I'm giving myself the advice I give others ----- DO IT!  

Monday, October 3, 2011

Baby Steps...

I'm very proud of myself (hear that? It's me patting myself on the back!), I have been doing great things for myself through my ayurvedic journey. 

The hardest part of my journey is coming to grips with the fact that changes do not happen over night.  It took years to develop my current habits, it is going to take awhile to turn things around.  But you know what?  That's OK. I have seen progress and I know that I'm moving in the right direction. That is enough to keep me motivated.

Some very small lifestyle changes have reaped huge rewards as far as my health goes.  Some hilights:
  • I have more than doubled the amount of water that I used to drink (and it's not a chore, I'd rather drink water than soda).  I also enjoy celestial seasonings tea.
  • I rarely snack during the day (and if I do it's typically pistachios or cashews/not a candy bar for a quick sugar fix).
  • Vegetables are no longer the enemy.  I have grown to be quite fond of them.  I surprised myself yesterday by whipping together a lunch that was comprised of sauteed buttercup squash, onions, clarified butter and fresh thyme.  It was delish! I know, who am I?  It would be easier if Casey would jump on the vegetable train.  Not quite there yet. 
  • Exercising has become part of my routine.  I'm working on increasing time and intensity. But at least I'm doing SOMETHING!  
  • The herbs I'm taking make my food digest properly.  I eat when I'm hungry and stop before I'm full.  I don't crave anything anymore (it's pretty bizarre). 
  • My vision has gotten better.
  • My knee pain has decreased --not sure if it will ever be gone completely, but it is a gazillion times better.
  • I rarely have headaches.  My sinus problems seem to be something of the past (usually in weather like this I would be dying  with the pressure changes). 
  • I have less anxiety and no longer have bouts of mild depression
  • My skin looks healthier
This is just the beginning of my journey.  I am thrilled that by taking baby steps in self-care that I have seen such positive results.  What I love about ayurveda is that it's a lifestyle change.  Everything I do is for me.  What I put into it is what I'm getting out of it.  It's gradual. They are tools I can use forever.  It's not a "quick fix". 

Jamie has relocated and has her own space now in Pewaukee.  Here is a link to her site:  Feel free to message me with any questions.

More soon!!!!!!  Thanks for reading!!!!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

this, that, and the other thing....

I haven't posted for awhile....time for some updates.

I heard one of those whispers yesterday- ok let's call it more of a shout - count your blessings Cari.  You never know what can happen or when your world will be turned upside down.  We found out that Casey's best friend Bret's brother Vance (and his entire family) were involved in a very serious car accident Monday evening.  A car came out of nowhere from a side street and hit their van, causing it to roll 4 times and hit a tree.  Vance and Kim were thrown from the vehicle.  Through God's grace, the kids  all walked away with minor injuries.  As I write this what I know is that Kim has multiple breaks and fractures.  She is in an immense amount of pain and is in the ICU.  Vance had been monitored for cerebral pressures. He is now breathing on his own.  He is in the neuro ICU. They are making miraculous strides. Even though I do not know this family personally, I am deeply affected by what happened to them.  All it took was an instant for everything to change.  They have set up a caring bridge site (yeah, wasn't easy logging onto caring bridge yesterday---but that is another story!) if you would like to follow their story and add your prayers for their healing:

Ayurveda update ~
I just had an appointment with Jamie last night and I'm proud to report that things are going very well.    Of the symptoms we're tracking, all are improving.  It's amazing to me how small adjustments can make such a huge impact on my health.  Don't get me wrong, it's a work in progress.  I'm by no means  at 100% yet, but I'm moving in the right direction. It feels good to be doing something positive for my health.  Best part is, I feel great!  A big shout out to all of my friends who are also making great strides in their healthy living goals.  You are all rock stars!

What's on the horizon~
Well...I am contemplating taking a writing class. I've always had an interest in writing children's books.  I've also spent an extensive amount of time over the years interviewing my grandma as I thought a memoir of her life would be a cool idea.  I need to find a way to focus on that creative side.  It's that or looking for a guitar player to start a duo.  hmmmmm.  Suggestions are welcomed :)

I guess that's it for now.  Just trying to wind down after a wild and crazy summer.  Looking forward to being less busy and being able to spend more time at home.  Hope everyone is well!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Life is Good

I'm in a really happy place today ~ a good day to write an update. 

Let me start this out by saying that I count my blessings every single day.  I have a husband who loves me unconditionally.  I have the best mom in the world.  I have my health. I have a good job.  I have a roof over my head. 

I also have the best friends that a girl could ask for.  I never, EVER take this for granted.  I am grateful to God for surrounding me with such amazing people. Whether I see you all the time or just occasionally, please know that I think of you often. Each and every one of you brings something into my life.  I hope that I bring something into yours as well. 

Casey is (finally) happy at his job.  Sure, it has it's share of obstacles just like any other job.  At least he has a passion for what he is doing.  He loves to cook!  Ideally he would like to be back in the construction industry.  As much as he enjoys working in a kitchen, there is no money to be had. 

My Dad met with a psychiatrist at the end of June and it was determined that he does not have dementia.  Memory loss with his Parkinson's is a normal symptom of the disease, but it's not dementia.  They have him on a medication that really seems to be helping him.  Now maybe he and his fiance will be able to move on with their plan to get married! 

For the first time in a long time I feel like I'm in control.  Now I know a lot of you are probably snickering at that because I'm a self proclaimed control freak.  It's a different kind of control.  I finally feel like I am in control of myself. 

This year has been all about reinvention and self discovery.  I highly suggest it. Some very small adjustments can be life changing. 

I continue on my ayurvedic path.  In 6 weeks I have experienced major health improvements.  I couldn't be happier about it. 

One of the best discoveries has been as simple as accepting that I can put myself first and just BE.  Along with that is the discovery that if someone has a problem with that, it's THEIR problem.  I have been a people pleaser all of my life.  I wanted people to like me, to accept me.  I was so busy trying to be there for other people that I lost myself.  That's not to say that I'm not there for my family and friends anymore - but it's different.  I have learned how to say no. I can walk away from things that I don't want to do/don't have the time to do.  Bottom line is I am who I am......take me or leave me.  It's taken a long time, but I can honestly say that I'm happy in my own skin.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

One month in ~ ayurveda update

Thanks for following along on my ayurvedic journey.  I'll tell you what ~after just a month I have already experienced positive results from making very slight changes and taking my daily herbs.  The whole thing is very fascinating to me.  It blows my mind that by making very small changes, some of my "symptoms" have dramatically improved in such a short time.

My last appointment with Jamie was a follow up where we compared the information I originally provided to her with how I felt at that time.  Of the 13 "symptoms" we are tracking, 8 of them showed improvement.  After taking my ayurvedic pulse, Jamie noted that my vatta dosha had decreased. Not bad!

The symptom that has most notably improved in my opinion is my chronic problem with sinus congestion. Yeah, it's pretty much non existent now. I honestly cannot remember the last time I didn't feel pressure/have difficulty breathing. Seemed like I was always "stuffy". It sounds odd, but being able to take a deep breath in (using both nostrils) feels amazing.  For those of you chronic sufferers, you know what I'm talking about.  I will also point out that typically on a day like today (high humidity), I would normally have a terrible headache.  Nope, nothing, nada.  I'm a happy girl.

I'm more conscious of what I'm eating and stopping (most of the time) way before I'm "full".  It's not perfect - probably never will be - but I'm moving in the right direction.

For those of you who have been reading since I started this blog you know that one of my obstacles has always been getting enough water in each day.  Now I easily drink 6-8 cups without much effort.  In my world, that is huge!  I have discovered unique ways to make water more exciting.  Y'all know about the lemon wedges.  Have you ever tried a slice of cucumber? Sounds odd, but it's very refreshing.  The other thing I have been doing is throwing a tea bag into a cold glass of water.  My favorite is celestial seasonings raspberry zinger.  Yum!  No calories, no artificial sweeteners, all natural ingredients and just enough to make water a bit more interesting.  My "craving" for soda is pretty much gone.  I am not completely off of it yet, but close.

Another big change is that I've started meditating.  The first couple of times I did it I felt goofy doing it. But now I look forward to it.  It's a phenomenal feeling to quiet the noise inside of your head.  It's very refreshing.  I highly recommend it!

Just like with anything else, there are always going to be obstacles. I'm having a tough time with 2 of the things that Jamie added to my program at the follow up visit.  Eating outside of the office and taking a small walk at lunch time. I'm working on it!

All in all I'm very pleased with the results I've experienced so far.  The journey is truly about self discovery.  Sometimes I like what I discover and sometimes not so much.  The hardest thing is coming to grips with the fact that everything is not going to change overnight.  Yes, once again I am reminded I need to work on being patient.

I will be meeting with Jamie later this week. I will post results soon!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Ayurveda - here we go!

As some of you may have read about on my Facebook page, I am embarking on a new journey. Yes, ANOTHER thing to add to my "year of reinvention"! This journey involves working with an ayurvedic practitioner (and since that is just to flippin' much to type, from here on out it's simply "Jamie"). I have talked to some of you about this and there was some interest in me sharing some discoveries along the way.  My hope is that by me sharing my journey, it may just help one of you with some self discovery.

Jamie recently completed her ayurvedic training.  Part of the program is that she needs to complete an "internship" with 10 students before she graduates.  I am one of the chosen ones (ha!).  My initial fee includes 4 sessions with Jamie.  Any herbs that I  want along the way or future appointments are extra. This is meant to be a stepping stone.  Where I decide to go with it after these initial appointments is entirely up to me.

The first appointment was an in depth question/answer session.  Almost 2 hours of all things Cari (oh my!).  I won't get into the nitty gritty details, there is a thing as too much information.  But I will say that she asks about just about everything you can imagine.  The answers to these questions along with an exam, a reading of my ayurvedic pulse, and a visual observation gave her the tools to prepare my assessment  (which is thoroughly detailed in the second appointment I had last Friday).  I'll get to that in a minute.

I mention the word ayurveda in conversation and more often than not I get a confused look.  Many people do not know what it is.  There is oodles of information on the internet as well as a plethora of books on the subject.  I won't delve too deep into that here, but I do need to give you the basic premise.

The basic rule in ayurvedic healing is that whatever you can do yourself to improve your own health is more effective in the long run than what another person can do for you.  It is in balancing the doshas (primary life forces behind all physiological and psychological function) that the roots of the symptom/s are cut off and you can live in health and harmony.  The fundamental treatment for the doshas is not something clinical done by a practitioner but rather it is the self care you give yourself on a daily basis.  It's really all about balancing current imbalances.

The foundation of ayurvedic treatment is to balance the digestive system.  If you are not digesting food property or are taking in foods that are not healthy for your body, you are unable to form healthy tissues and may be left with toxins in your system.

Ayurveda is made of up of many different components and it's really just a matter of working with your practitioner to see what works best for your lifestyle.  Some of these components are:  diet, herbs, color therapy, yoga/meditation, aromatherapy, and detoxification.  One of my favorite parts is that you aren't expected to jump in head first and change everything at once.  In fact that is discouraged.  Your body needs time to acclimate itself to the changes you are making along the way.  You may remember me saying "baby steps" in previous posts.  Well that is EXACTLY what this is all about.  NOT drastic lifestyle changes but rather more of a self awareness to what your body needs to treat whatever "symptoms" you are experiencing.

Back to the assessment.  Ok, everyone has what is called Prakriti (also known as your constitution).  This is your state of health at birth.  It's the essence of who you are.  It represents the ideal balance of doshas for you to be in a state of health.  As a result of that first visit (questions and exam), Jamie analyzed that my constitution is:  primary dosha is Pitta.  Pitta is primarily composed of the element of fire.  Positive qualities of Pitta are that when in balance Pitta gives a sharp mind, clarity in thought, leadership, bravery and courage.  Secondary is Kapha. Kapha is made up of the earth and water elements.  When balanced Kapha gives you a calm and patient disposition (clearly I'm out of balance because we all know patience is NOT part of my vocabulary), contentment in life, a loving and compassionate nature and a stable, loyal presence.

Clearly if this is all about balance - and being healthy when in balance - it makes sense that I would also need to know which of my doshas are imbalanced (this is called your Vikruti).  Well in my case - all three have something going on (go figure! have to be an "over achiever"!). My primary imbalances are Vata and Pitta.  Vata, which is composed of air and ether which are cold, light, dry and mobile.  According to Jamie, my sinus and allergy problems as well as my neck and shoulder pain are all related to the imbalance in my Vata dosha.  When Pitta increases, fire increases in the body leading to different kinds of inflammation and heat issues.  Being critical and jealous are also a result of this imbalance.  Interesting.    Finally, my Kapha imbalance is also at the root of my chronic sinus congestion (as well as a number of other) issues.

So how does one become imbalanced?  Well just as every human has these life forces, so does everything around us according to ayurvedic teachings.  A great example is our diets.  You can become imbalanced by eating foods that are not complimentary to your constitution.  Your daily lifestyle effects your imbalance ----where you live, what you do for a living etc.  Everything around us has an impact on our life forces.

I know this is a lot to take in.  But it's really very fascinating.  For example - one of the "baby steps" that I have been given is to eat only warm foods for breakfast and to increase the amount of protein.  My typical breakfast is either a bowl of cereal or a bagel with cream cheese.  Cold foods add dryness to the system.  So just by looking at my diet - I've already discovered one way that I'm adding to my Vata imbalance.  I am adding dryness every morning through my diet.

There are a few more things I will be incorporating into my daily routine - again, all very subtle changes.  I just picked up my herbs today.  There are two different capsules I will take every day.  One is comprised of herbs specifically designed for digestion and one is for my mind/nervous system.  Unlike pharmaceuticals, these are comprised of all natural ingredients designed to aid me as I find balance.

What I find most fascinating (as someone who is perpetually starting a new diet) is that it's not just about eating foods that fit into your daily calorie's about eating foods that are promoting balance within your system.  That goes hand in hand that what works for one person may not work for another.

This may sound like a whole lot of mumbo jumbo ----but I'd be lying if I said I'm not excited about it.  It all just makes perfect sense.  I have some very specific health issues that I am working on, we'll see what happens.  And yes, I'll keep you posted along the way!!!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

livin' in the moment

Ya know what? Oprah is right.  God does whisper to us. Whether or not we choose to listen to the whisper, well that is another story.  Over the last year and a half I have received this message loud and clear:  "live in the moment".

I tell you what, when Beccee got sick that wasn't so much a whisper that I heard but more of a shout.  It was a pivotal point in my life.  When she was diagnosed with lung cancer she didn't curl up in a ball and give up. Oh no. Not at all.  Quite the opposite.  She vowed that she would remain in her happy bubble and come out swingin' against lung cancer.  And she did.  She put up one hell of a fight.  Through her example, she was (and still is) an inspiration to so many people.  This whisper was heard loud and live each and every moment to the fullest.

Casey was laid off from a job he had been at for over a decade.  We had some serious low points when that happened.  Financially and emotionally.  Through all of it I kept hearing the whisper telling me that we would get through it, that there were others who had conquered much larger obstacles. To take it one day at a time and we would prevail. We did.

One of my friends at work found out earlier this year that her mother has lung cancer.  Her prognosis is that she very likely won't make it to the end of the year.  Talking to my friend and hearing about what her mom is going through is a constant whisper to embrace the time we have with our family.  There is no way of knowing how long we have together.

Another co-worker lost her father suddenly over Memorial Day weekend.  He was on his way up north to go fishing.  He pulled over at a gas station.  He wasn't feeling well and stopped to rest for a few minutes.  He had a massive heart attack and died in his car.  It's hard enough to lose someone after a long illness, incomprehensible when it comes out of the blue like that.  She wasn't able to tell him she loved him or tell him goodbye.  A whisper reminding me that that we shouldn't leave any words unspoken.

The whisper I hear from my own home front is everything can change pretty much overnight.  This is demonstrated to me on a daily basis as a result of my Dad's sickness. The short story is that my Dad has Parkinson's disease.  He was diagnosed about 7 years ago and has been rapidly deteriorating since Christmas.  He now has the onset of dementia.  Having a conversation with him breaks my heart.  There are moments of lucidity, but most moments are just a maze of disconnected words. He now has to have someone that comes in as a companion while his fiancee is at work.  He needs someone to check on him, make sure he's eating, taking his medications, etc.  Soon that may increase to 24/7 supervision being required.  This message is not lost on me.  My days of having a "normal" father/daughter relationship are over.  I have to accept that this is our reality now. I appreciate the days when we are able to connect and he seems to understand me.

The whisper I have heard over and over again over the last year and a half is to live in the moment.  Take one day, one thing at a time.  That is not to say that we shouldn't look forward to the future or learn from our means don't miss what is right in front of your face.  It's all happening, and it's happening now.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

What sparks the light in you?

Man o man, that was powerful.  I just finished watching Oprah's last show.  

I love the fact that her last show wasn't all glitz and glamour.  There were no surprises. No free cars given away. None of that.  She used her last show to thank everyone who has been with her throughout the last 25 years.  She also shared what I thought to be some profound words of wisdom.  Because the show left such an impression on me (and because I agree with all that she said), I want to share some of it with all of you.  So this is me paraphrasing tidbits from Oprah's last show:

Everybody has a calling, we need to figure out what that calling is.  Of all of the successful people she had ever interviewed, the joy they received in life was from doing what they were meant/called to do.  A calling lights you up. Live from the heart of yourself.  What sparks the light in you?  Find your calling so that you, in your own way, can illuminate the world.

Her platform was a stage in the studio.  We each have a platform.  Don't be fooled into thinking you have to be famous in order reach others.  Find your platform.  Your friends, your family, your co-workers, your circle of friends.  They are all your platform.  That is your stage, your circle of influence.  You are showing people exactly who you are every day. You are letting your life speak for you.  When you do that, you will receive in direct proportion to how much you give.  You have the power to save someone's life. Start embracing the life that is calling you.  Use your life to serve the world.
Nobody but you is responsible for your life.  What is all life? Energy.  We are all transmitting it, and the world responds in kind. try to connect to others and value the connection. 

~take responsibility for the energy that you bring to me~

Newton's third law of motion:  for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  All of the energy you spend trying to hurt someone else will turn around and slap you in the face.  Don't wait for someone else to save you, to fix you, or complete you.

When you "get" that you are responsible for your life, you are free.

We often block our own blessings because we don't feel inherently good enough, smart enough, pretty enough...worthy enough.  You are worthy because you were born, because you are here.  You alone are enough.

A common thread runs through all of us.  We all have the common desire to be validated. Do you see me?  Do you hear me?  Does what I say mean anything to you?  Make sure that those around know that you see them, that you hear them and what they say matters to you.

God is love and God is life.  Your life is always speaking to you. Be still and listen to it.  First in a whisper, if you ignore it it gets louder.  A thump on the head, a brick being thrown at you, and finally a brick wall falling down on you.  When you don't hear it, it gets louder.  What is your life whispering to you?

Thanks for that Oprah.  You've definitely given me a lot to think about. Some soul searching is in order.  What is your calling?  What sparks the light in you?  I'm working on trying to figure that out.   Thoughts?

Friday, May 13, 2011

Catchin' up ...

Admittedly I have been a bit lazy about keeping up with the blog lately.  There has been a lot going on!

The "year of reinvention"  - well let's just say that it's a work in progress.  

So here's where I'm at.  Even though I have set some great goals for this year, I realize that life happens and sometimes things don't work out the way we had planned. I'm trying to go with the flow and do what I can.

The journey to a healthier me---it's going well.  I'm not measuring my progress by a number on a scale but rather in how I feel.  I feel good.  That is what matters.  

Sign language class was a lot of fun.  Unfortunately due to some things going on with my Dad's health/family responsibilities, I needed to drop out early.   I know my friend Cheryl is going to stick with it and go into the next section of the class. I'm super proud of her!  Even though I wasn't able to complete the course, I understand what I was supposed to take away from it.  My instructor Suz was absolutely amazing.  The fact that she can speak perfectly even though she was born deaf was an eye opener for me.  I was witnessing a miracle.  God was showing his presence through my instructor.  Sometimes we need something to be right in our face like that to say hey don't doubt My presence.  Thanks, I needed that.

Even though this wasn't in the original game plan~I have found myself taking music lessons again.  Yep, I am bound and determined to learn the piano.  After seeing Carmen Nickerson sing (Michael and the Bystanders) at the Mold to Gold Benefit, I commented on a post Laura Kiley had put up on her page on Facebook.  Basically just saying how much Mom and I enjoyed listening to her.  This started a conversation which led me to taking lessons with her. I had my first lesson Wednesday and had so much fun.  Carmen is a doll and I am so thrilled that she is my teacher.  Right now I'm rockin' "jingle bells"...hey, ya gotta start someplace right?  It's an amazing feeling to play something and have it sound like the actual song.  My mom is so cute, she's already got a list of artists she wants me to learn...Elton John, Billy Joel, Neil Diamond, etc.  I hope that I will be able to play all of those for her some day!

The biggest thing I've learned so far in my year of reinvention is that life really is too short to sweat the small stuff.  I know that probably sounds cheesey but really think about it.  I keep trying to put things in perspective by asking myself in the big scheme of things, does this really matter/is it such a big deal?  Usually it's not as big of a deal as I first thought it was.  I have said this more than once in the last week - I truly think that everyone (including myself) needs to just take a step back and BREATHE!  

On a side note I've almost had 1000 views of this blog.  That's kind of fun!  Thanks for reading!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wine Dinner

So I mentioned that I was going to post about our wine dinner a couple weeks ago and never did.  I'm sure you can all appreciate that sometimes life gets in the way.  I need a happy distraction - so tonight is the night I'm going to write about our wonderful dinner.

The wine dinner was held at  North Star American Bistro in Brookfield.  Chef Duffy did a remarkable job pairing his courses with wines from Brassfield Estate.  I would not say that Casey and I are "foodies"...but we certainly do appreciate a great meal.  Here is what was served:

Hazelnut Crusted Les Freres
Hazelnut-crusted Les Freres cheese, arugula, sherry, vinaigrette, grainy mustard, and fresh herb cracker
Sauvignon Blanc

Lobster Chowder
Seared sea-scallop, lobster and roasted sweet corn chowder, white truffle potato crisps

Duo of Berkshire Pork
Berkshire pork tenderloin stuffed with fig, prosciutto and crispy pork belly. Carmalized brussels sprout leaves, natural jus and aged balsamic
Pinot Noir

Grilled Angus Strip
Grilled angus strip loin, celery root and yukon gold potato puree, pickled jardiniere, veal jus

Mascarpone and Vanilla Bean Cheesecake
Crave Brothers mascarpone and vanilla bean cheesecake, feuilletine crust, zinfandel-soaked chocolate covered cherry

You can check their website for upcoming events.  I would highly suggest the experience.  Well worth every penny.  Not only did we have an exquisite meal and delicious wine - we were seated at a table with couples we had just met that night who shared stories about their travels through wine country. A great night!

Friday, March 11, 2011

"Almost Famous" Fridays ~ Erin

When I originally started this blog, I said I would feature my talented friends with a Friday feature called "Almost Famous" Fridays (for those of you who don't know, the name is a shout out to one of my favorite movies of all time).  I have to admit, I have been a bit lazy about  contributing to my blog. Bad Cari.  This week's entry is about my friend Erin.

First...let me just say that Erin has a beautiful soul. I am so happy that we found each other.  Even though we've known each other for only a few years, it feels like a lifetime (and I mean that as a big ole compliment!).

Erin and I met after she found me on MYSPACE.  I know, what the hell is MYSPACE right?  It just so happened that our circle of musician friends was very similar.  Small, small world.

Erin is extremely talented.  She's a fantastic singer - part of the "Erin and Matt Acoustic" duo.  Check them out at Erin and Matt Acoustic.  When you go out - make sure you have her sing a little Led Zeppelin for you.  She will rock your face off.

She's also a fabulous photographer.  Band pictures, baby pictures, wedding pictures - you name it, she's your girl.  She just recently launched her website.  View her portfolio at Erin Messerschmidt Photography

I'm not sure if she has an official website for this - but Erin can put together phenomenal gifts/act as a personal shopper. Especially baby gifts.  She even makes "diaper cakes".  Erin if you're reading - post something here so people would know how to reach you for this.  You can also get in touch with me and I'll point you in the right direction. 

Love you girl!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

"Sunday Dinner" ~ Batch From Heaven

A quick update....

Thank you to all of you who have been so supportive of my dream to start my own online bakery business.  At first I was very hesitant about pursuing it.  After some encouragement I got all pumped up about giving it a whirl.  Even registered my domain name batch from heaven last week (I wanted to feel like I took a step in the direction of my goal).  Needless to say I jumped the gun a bit.  After some research I discovered that Wisconsin law states that in order to sell bakery, it must be produced in a commercial kitchen.  Clearly, I do not have a commercial kitchen in my home.  Sadness.  Sooooo....bakery as a "business" has been shelved for the time being.

Many of you know that Casey and I have a dream of opening a restaurant.  If and when that day comes guess what we will be serving for dessert? You got it, my bakery.  At that time I would also be able to do the online business if I still wanted to.  Even though my whole thing is comfort food type bakery, I may just take a cake designing class and use this time to learn some basic skills to make my bakery a bit more "fancy".  I will not be advertising a "business" per se - however if someone out there has a need for a carrot cake, lemon bars, cookies etc., we can certainly talk.  I don't see anything wrong with accepting a "donation" for now.  My bubble was burst big time earlier this week - but I'm over it.  I am going to use this time to broaden my baking skills.  I will not be defeated!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Dinner ~ Bacchus

I can't believe I haven't posted anything about Bacchus yet! Oh my!  Bacchus is one of the Bartolotta restaurants and is hands down my favorite restaurant in Milwaukee.

There are a number of places that have great food - but Bacchus is truly an all around experience.  Not just great food, but a great environment and exemplary service.

Last night Casey and I had a wonderful night out and enjoyed a dinner at Bacchus.  The evening started out with our favorite server Cassidy greeting us at the hostess stand.  What is really cool about this is that every time (up until last night)- I have requested Cassidy when I've made our reservation.  She is the sommelier at Bacchus and only acts as a server when the restaurant is really busy.  I didn't think she was serving on Saturday nights.  Well the reason I bring this episode up is because Bacchus keeps notes in their computer about their customer's preferences.  Even though I hadn't made the note about Cassidy when I booked the reservation on line - someone noticed that she was our preferred server and put two and two together and made sure that we were dining in her section last night.  For all of the crappy customer service I receive at so many establishments, having someone go above and beyond was greatly appreciated.

One of the great things that Cassidy has "schooled" us about is that it's OK to share plates.  She said that when her and all of her foodie friends go out, they do it all the time.  It's a great way to be able to experience a wider variety of food during your dining experience. Sometimes we do an entire meal that way.  It's awesome.  Just a few bites of each thing.  Last night we decided to order a couple things on our own and split one plate.

For our first course I had roasted butternut squash soup.  They place an empty bowl on the table and bring the soup in a little canister and pour it right at the table.  It is served over a pecan "cracker".  Casey had pork belly  It's amazing how they can prepare a small slab of bacon and make your mouth water!  That is served with greens on top and a little glaze on the plate.  One of the things I love about Bacchus is that they don't give you the super sized portions.  They give you a portion size that you can actually eat and not feel full after just one course.  My soup was between 1/4 and 1/2 cup ----perfect amount.    You've never seen Casey as happy as when he's eating bacon!

For our second course we decided to share a plate (and please note that when I say share a plate that doesn't mean that they bring out one plate and 2 forks for each of us to eat off of it-----they split the portion and you get your own serving).  The shared plate was ricotta ravioli served with a cream sauce and mushrooms.  Delicate, handmade ravioli. There is nothing like it.  Just a hint of garlic - the mushrooms giving the whole dish a very earthy tone.  I very rarely eat mushrooms - and I ate the mushrooms with this dish.  It was divine.

For our entree course I had a filet.  I have tried almost all of the entrees and can honestly say you can't go wrong. I'm just partial to steak.  The filet is no more than 5 ounces (which is perfect for someone watching portion sizes). It was prepared to a perfect medium temperature (as requested).  I love the fact that rather than putting a slab of meat on the plate, they slice it and place it over yukon gold potato puree.   The steak is served with a bourbon peppercorn sauce.  There's just enough sauce drizzled on the plate to get a taste-----but not drowning the meat.  Cassidy knows that I don't like the sauteed mushrooms that come with the filet so she took the liberty of substituting broccolini for me.  Again, the portion sizes - spot on.  Between 1/4 up and 1/2 cup of potatoes and 4 broccolini spears.  I love being able to enjoy my dinner the way it was intended to taste  and not taking it home and eating it as leftovers.  The steak was like "butter".  Perfect!   Casey had the braised short ribs.  This is one of his favorite entrees.  The meat is so incredibly tender.  His entree was served with brussell sprouts and sweet potato puree.  There was nothing left on either of our plates.

Casey enjoyed a glass of wine with each of his courses.  He loves to ask Cassidy to pair it with his food. He always goes with her recommendation. As a little side note- 2 years ago I took Casey to Bacchus for his birthday and we had an entire meal that basically revolved around the wine choices that Cassidy presented us with.  It was an incredible experience.

Casey treated himself to dessert (well that's really a no brainer).  He had a chocolate cappuccino mousse.  I may or may not have had one bite.  Delish!

I highly recommend this restaurant if you are someone who really has a passion for great food and wants to enjoy an experience.  This is not the type of place where you will be herded in and out to turn over the table. Plan on at least 2 hours for dinner.  We had the pleasure of looking out over the lake and a view of the full moon last night. It was beautiful.  It's a true testament to the quality of a restaurant that even though we would love to experience other great restaurants, we KNOW that we are going to get the best there, so we just keep going back.

Visit their site here.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Year of Reinvention ~ Update #1

I'm pretty happy about the baby steps I've taken so far this year.  The Year of Reinvention is off to a great start! Some updates:

*Shaking it up even more where the healthy living is concerned.  Not seeing the results I want with the way I'm doing things.  Sooooooo......going to try something else.  Rather than get frustrated and throw in the towel I am going to channel that energy and focus on making additional changes....positive changes!I will not be defeated dammit! 

*With that being said.....let me tell you about my first Zumba class.  For those of you have been to a Zumba class, you already know.  For those of you who haven't, I'm here to tell you that once you go through a 45 minute Zumba class you will hurt in places you didn't even know existed.  It is very high energy and a ton of fun.  Jeanne and I are definitely going to go at least once a week.  Lots and lots of calories being burned.  Maybe somewhere down the road I can teach a class---do the Zumba Latin signature moves but put it to some rock-n-roll music.  I'm telling you she did one routine to "Pour Some Sugar on Me" and I was able to get through the whole thing because I could sing along!  If you haven't tried a class......I highly recommend it!

*Trying to have more patience and not sweat the small stuff.  That is a constant battle for me.  I like everything the way I like it, when I like it.  I am not good at working on other people's time tables.  I have a lot of talks with myself when it comes to this. 

*One of the things I mentioned in my original "Reinvention" post was that I want to be more involved in church activities at Crosspoint.  This is also a work in progress.  My friend Cheryl commented to me one day that she thought I would be a great person to work in the youth ministry.  I took her advice and have been in communications with the Pastor of Youth Ministry.  I have a bit of a scheduling conflict as far as getting involved with the cell groups that they hold each week.  The details aren't important and they will sound like excuses anyway......bottom line is that I live in West Allis and go to church in Oconomowoc.  It's just going to be tough to get out there twice every week.  Right now I'm looking at getting involved with their special events as a volunteer.  Perhaps I have to take baby steps in this area too.  It will all work out. 

*I saved the best for last.  Cheryl and I have embarked on a very exciting new journey.  We enrolled in an American Sign Language class at WCTC.  We had our first class this past Tuesday.....LOVED it!  The instructor, "Suz", is amazing.  She is completely deaf, yet is able to speak perfectly.  That was a God moment when I found that out.  She has never heard a sound, never will - yet she can speak more clearly than many hearing people I have met.  She took the experience of a very rocky childhood (16 - yes I said 16 - foster homes) and used that as her driving force to succeed.  Not only does she teach sign language, she also teaches psychology at WCTC.  She shared with us that she was the first Latina woman in the United States to receive her doctoral degree.  Probably comes as no surprise that she is a sought after as a motivational speaker. It's worth the price of the class just to hear her story.  What an inspiration. 

The class was mostly an introduction.  We went through the syllabus and a few group activities.  I'll tell you this, sign language is not for anyone who is self conscious or afraid to express themselves.  I guess I'll have to learn how to break out of my shell a little ha!  It's another language and another culture to learn about...I'm very excited to learn more.  Did I mention that starting next week (yes, the second class) we will not be able to talk?  Yep.  She will not be speaking either.  She is going to teach us everything through signing.  Way to jump right into things! 

A little tidbit that some of you may want to look into.  She has a business where she teaches children 4 months to 5 years old....hearing and deaf.  How cool is that?  Apparently these classes are big on the West and East coasts and just now gaining attention in the Midwest.  Here's the link if you want to check it out (there is also a bio about Suz). 
baby signs
I hope that everyone is having a terrific year so far....thanks for reading!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Soooooo.....I'm finally taking the plunge. Tomorrow night I will be going to my very first zumba class.  I have to admit, I'm a little scared :)  My only experience with zumba is what I've seen on infomercials!  I like to dance and I'm not afraid of making an ass out of myself so I'm thinking I will be just fine!  I have a number of friends who swear by zumba.  They tell me that it's so much fun...not only that, but you burn a ridiculous amount of calories.  Truth be told, it's so hard for me to stay motivated with working out because I get bored.  I'm hoping this will be my new favorite thing! Anyone have any good or bad experiences with zumba? Please share.  Wish me luck!

~As a little side note, I used to go to a jazzercise class and L-O-V-E  loved it!  I'm hoping that this is similar with the high energy. Heck, I once had a dream of teaching jazzercise, perhaps someday I will teach zumba (it's a goal right?).  Baby steps...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Rainy Days and Mondays~baby steps

For those of you who have been following along with the blog postings, you know that I have dubbed this the year of reinvention.  Part of that reinvention is finding my "happy place" both mentally and physically.  I'm  not going to lie to you. It is by no means easy.  I'm struggling big time.

I will share one small self discovery ----- I have realized that my bar is set waaaaaay too high (for myself as well as those around me).  This leads to a good deal of disappointment.  My own fault.  Part of the reinvention process.  I can change that. I'm already actively working on it. 

As far ramping up my exercise......slacking. Big time.  I am still not making myself the top priority. I am still not making my work out the most important "appointment".  It's hard.  Not only to juggle a busy schedule...but to get motivated to go to the gym after work.  I have to find a way to be excited about it.

Eating healthy? Yes and no.  I'm not consistent.  I'll do really good all day....will get to dinner time and I overdo it.  It doesn't help that my husband is a fabulous cook.  NO, I'm not blaming him.  He's not forcing me to overeat!!!!

It's a mindset.  I'm talking the talk.  I'm only walking the walk maybe 70% of the time.  That's not enough. I don't expect to have perfect results...I doubt that my effort will ever be at 100%.  I would be very happy to be at around 85%.

This post sounds more like a rant.  Not meant to be.  I know that there are others out there reading this who have shared with me that they are going through similar struggles.  I just want to be honest with you.  It's not all puppies and unicorns.  What does help is knowing that I am not alone.

Let's keep going steps are better than no steps at all!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Dinner ~ Tofu Stir Fry and Coconut Rice

Some of you reading this are probably shaking your head thinking tofu? gross!  EXACTLY what I thought the first time I came across this recipe.  Since it was in the "official" cookbook of our house~ Cook's Illustrated ~ decided to give it a try.  I am so glad that we did because for the last 4 or 5 years this has seriously been one of my favorite dinners.  Sounds funny coming from a girl who loves steak and potatoes.  

I'll let you in on a little secret... with the tofu coated/fried like in this recipe, you would be hard pressed to know that you are not eating chicken or pork.  The tofu takes on the flavor of the glaze/sauce.  It's a great way to get in a lot of veggies!  I like to serve coconut rice along with it.  

If you are new to tofu - I highly suggest giving this a try.  Let me know what you think!


What you will need:
1 package extra firm tofu (HAS to be extra firm)
1 large carrot (grated with vegetable peeler into thin slices)
cauliflower florets (we use about half of the head of cauliflower) or broccoli if you prefer
1 small onion sliced
sugar snap peas
baby bok choy (cut the white/bottom parts off and separate from leaves. stack all leaves on top of each other, roll, then cut into thin strips. cut the white pieces into small strips)
corn starch
low sodium vegetable broth
soy sauce
vegetable oil
2 tsp FRESH ginger (peeled and grated with micro planer) NOT, i repeat DO NOT use dried ginger...blechy.
2 cloves garlic, minced

Easiest way to do it....first prep all of your vegetables by washing and cutting them. Set them aside on a serving platter.

Make your sauce and your glaze and set aside.

Whisk together..
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons honey
1/4 cup low sodium vegetable broth

Whisk together...
3 tablespoons soy sauce
3/4 cup low sodium vegetable broth
1 tablespoon corn starch
2 tablespoons honey

In a separate bowl, mix garlic, ginger and 1 teaspoon vegetable oil. Set all three bowls aside.

Prepare your tofu. Take tofu “block” out of wrapping (careful, there will be water in there that you will need to drain off). Place it on a cutting board and cut in half horizontally to form two rectangular planks. Cut each plank into six squares. Then cut each square diagonally into two triangles.

Heat about 3 tablespoons vegetable oil in a non stick 12 inch skillet. While oil is heating, sprinkle about 1/3 cup corn starch into baking dish. Place tofu on top of corn starch and turn with fingers until evenly coated.

When skillet is hot, add tofu in single layer and cook until golden brown (4-6 minutes). Turn tofu with tongs and cook until other side is browned (4-6 minutes more). Don’t rush this part - you want the tofu to be crispy (slightly browned) on the outside and creamy on the inside. Add glaze ingredients and cook, stirring until glaze has coated all tofu (it will essentially absorb into the tofu)....1 to 2 minutes. Transfer tofu to place. Wipe skillet clean with damp paper towels.

Heat 2 tsp. vegetable oil in now empty skillet over medium high heat until beginning to smoke. Add onion, cauliflower and carrots. Stirring occasionally until beginning to brown (2-3 minutes). Add 1/2 cup vegetable broth and cover skillet. Cook until fork tender - 2 to 3 minutes. Uncover and cook until liquid evaporates (about 30 seconds). Transfer vegetables to plate.

Heat 2 tsp. vegetable oil in now empty skillet over medium high heat until beginning to smoke. Add snap peas and bok choy (white part and leaves), stirring occasionally until beginning to brown and soften - 1 to 2 minutes. Push vegetables to center, add garlic-ginger mixture to clearing and cook, mashing mixture with spoon or spatula until fragrant (my favorite part, the fresh ginger smells amazing) - 15 to 20 seconds. Then stir mixture into greens.

Return all vegetables (onion, cauliflower and carrots) and tofu to skillet and add sauce. Toss to combine and cook, stirring, until sauce is thickened and vegetables are coated (2- 3 minutes). Ta da!!!!!



Bring to a Boil; Stir In:

1 1/2 cups chicken broth
1 cup coconut milk (do not confuse with cream of coconut and do not get sugar free!)
2 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 cup jasmine rice

Finish with:

2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 tablespoon unsalted butter

Bring broth, coconut milk, sugar, and salt to a boil; stir in the rice. Cover, reduce heart to low, and simmer 15 minutes, or until the liquid is absorbed. Remove from heat and let sit for 5 minutes before stirring.

Finish with lime juice and butter. Fluff with a fork and serve.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Dinner ~ Food Trucks

As some of you know ~ one of mine and Casey's dreams is to have our own restaurant "someday".  We spend hours talking about what we would serve, what type of employees we would have, even the type of artwork we would have on the walls.  We both realize it's a pretty far-fetched dream...but hey dream big right?

Lately we have seen an abundance of shows on the different cooking channels that involve food trucks.  Last night we had a very interesting conversation about starting up a food truck vs. a restaurant.  As someone who works in Brookfield, I feel that there isn't much of a variety for lunch options.  We discussed how it would be cool to have a food truck parked in one of the corporate parks (Amileigha?). I agreed with Casey that it would be something worth looking into (and quite clearly less start up cost than a restaurant).  What we did not agree on was what we would serve out of the truck.

So hit me up with your ideas (let's call it informal market research).  If you had access to a food truck (and I don't mean a nasty "carnie" type food truck, I am talking about quality food) near your business for lunch style food- what would you want on the menu?  Nothing is too crazy - so be honest!

~As a little side note, many of the trucks we have seen on the cooking channels have some sort of "gimmick".  My suggestion was that we could hire one of my my friends to do an acoustic "thang" outside of our truck.  No one is doing that!  I'm sure that would attract attention.  Casey was all for it until he asked me how much a solo act gets for a gig.  Needless to say my husband never paid too much attention to the details when I was booking acts.  He was completely blown away.  It was actually pretty funny to hear him go on and on about it.  And spite of Casey's comments, I would most definitely find a way to put a boy with a guitar  in front of my food truck :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Rainy Days and Mondays ~ The Year of Reinvention

So here's the scoop. I gave up on New Year's "resolutions" years ago. Seems to me that declaring that I am absolutely going to do something by such and such a time has always set me up for a let down.  Why go there? Maybe I just don't like the word resolution. Maybe I don't want to be held to something?  Who knows.  Here's what I will say -- I have a vision for 2011.  I am looking at it as the year of reinvention.  Here are the things that I will be focusing on...

I have spent the better part of my life supporting others and helping them achieve their goals. I'm a great "cheerleader".  Please don't misunderstand me. I don't think that there is anything wrong with that. It's who I am and I will continue to cheer all of you on as best I can. My point is that in doing so, somewhere along the way I lost sight of my own dreams.  This year I plan on reinventing myself and bringing some of those dreams back into focus.

I don't only want to talk the talk, I want to walk the walk as well.  I became a member at Crosspoint at the beginning of last year.  My biggest goal for my reinvention is to find ways to be an ACTIVE member of the church.  I have a few ideas (thanks to the suggestions of others) that I am working on to achieve this goal.

Health is also at the top of the reinvention list.  Time to ramp it up.  The goal is to figure out a way to stay motivated.  To make eating healthy and working out FUN!  First thing on the list is to try out at least one of the classes my gym offers...zumba will be first. Once I have a bit more strength and more confidence - I'd love to try kick boxing.   As far as the eating part----finding a way to incorporate more fruits and vegetables is my top priority.  If anyone has any healthy snack ideas that they can share.....I would appreciate it!

I will be looking at ways to embrace my passion of music.  Honestly, I had all but given up on the idea of ever being in a band or a duo. No one has told me I cannot do it....I just get in the way of myself.  I'm friends with so many talented people - I compare myself to them and think I just don't stack up.  Part of the reinvention is a different mindset.  I CAN hold my own and there is no reason why I can't use my God given talent of singing! Keep your ears open people....I'm throwing it out there to the universe!

Lastly I want to focus on doing things that will continue to broaden my horizons.  This spring I will be taking a sign language class.  Who knows where that will lead to!

The biggest thing about reinvention is that it's a working plan.  There are no rights and wrongs. It's a plan that is constantly in motion.  Here's to the year of reinvention!