Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Dinner ~ Food Trucks

As some of you know ~ one of mine and Casey's dreams is to have our own restaurant "someday".  We spend hours talking about what we would serve, what type of employees we would have, even the type of artwork we would have on the walls.  We both realize it's a pretty far-fetched dream...but hey dream big right?

Lately we have seen an abundance of shows on the different cooking channels that involve food trucks.  Last night we had a very interesting conversation about starting up a food truck vs. a restaurant.  As someone who works in Brookfield, I feel that there isn't much of a variety for lunch options.  We discussed how it would be cool to have a food truck parked in one of the corporate parks (Amileigha?). I agreed with Casey that it would be something worth looking into (and quite clearly less start up cost than a restaurant).  What we did not agree on was what we would serve out of the truck.

So hit me up with your ideas (let's call it informal market research).  If you had access to a food truck (and I don't mean a nasty "carnie" type food truck, I am talking about quality food) near your business for lunch style food- what would you want on the menu?  Nothing is too crazy - so be honest!

~As a little side note, many of the trucks we have seen on the cooking channels have some sort of "gimmick".  My suggestion was that we could hire one of my my friends to do an acoustic "thang" outside of our truck.  No one is doing that!  I'm sure that would attract attention.  Casey was all for it until he asked me how much a solo act gets for a gig.  Needless to say my husband never paid too much attention to the details when I was booking acts.  He was completely blown away.  It was actually pretty funny to hear him go on and on about it.  And spite of Casey's comments, I would most definitely find a way to put a boy with a guitar  in front of my food truck :)

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  1. Steak, breaded shrimp, grilled chicken breast sandwich, salad, fruit, burger, fries, soda, cheesecake (yum) - these are a few of the things I wish I could easily get!

  2. those are all great suggestions brea. thank you. i would love to do a steak taco with grilled onions, cilantro, tomatoes, a little fresh squeezed lime juice. i like the idea of a grilled chicken breast sandwich...i would like to do paninis. if i had my way we would stay away from fried food period. i would like to show people that you can have tasty food without deep frying it. casey believes that is what people want so you have to have it. i like the cheesecake idea. and soda in those little baby bottles that you can get! we would have to school ourselves on seafood if we decided to go down that path....we honestly don't know too much about seafood. but breaded shrimp sure sounds tasty~ that would be a nice finger food type thing!

  3. Stick with your first instinct, Cari. That taco sounds amazingly tasty and fresh. I'd love to see a tossed salad of some sort with dark greens, balsamic dressing, candied pecans or walnuts and goat cheese. You could add seasonal fruits/veggies depending on the time of year (asparagus in the spring, berries in the summer, roasted squash in the fall).

    As much as I love accoustic music - unless you plan on having a seating area for people to stay, eat and enjoy the music, I'm not sure it's going to be much of a draw.


  4. Thanks Kelly....I love your ideas as well. Totally in agreement with the seasonal fruits/veggies! Absolutely true about the live music ----there are some trucks that have a seating area....and some trucks that are near parks (space for seating). so i think that there are possibilities......but yeah, it's more of Cari's dream hahaha!

  5. Did you watch the Food Truck Challenge this past fall? LOVED IT. I looked into the food truck idea, it's a small start up cost vs. a restaurant. I say go girl!
    Love the Blog

  6. Hey Danielle, YES we watched the Food Truck Challenge this past fall. LOVED IT. especially the nom nom truck! i haven't done any research so i have no idea on cost etc. right now it's a more of a fantasy :) If I can ask, where did you do your research? I know my friend Christine gave me the name of a truck here in Milwaukee and suggested I get in touch with them. Thanks for the kind words. Can't wait to read YOUR blog! really you could write a book about your adventures. Dani's escapades! i know you keep me interested with all of your fun outings!
