Sunday, November 13, 2011

30 Day Challenge

Holy cow ~ over a month since I've posted anything on my blog!  Time sure has a way from slippin' away from me sometimes!  

I'm sharing this with everyone as it will make me more accountable.  I've decided to take on a personal 30 day challenge.  Just for me, to prove that I can follow through with it.  Simple enough.  I recently purchased a workout DVD called "Hip Hop Abs" ~ I've challenged myself to do the 30 minute DVD every day for 30 days, no excuses.  Of course eating well, drinking lots of water, and trying to lower my stress level are givens during this time period as well.  

I started the challenge last Monday - so today is actually my 7th day of doing the DVD. So proud of myself. Especially since during the week I got up early every day to ensure that I got my work out in. 

As you all know, I'm all about baby steps.  I would be THRILLED if by the end of my 30 day challenge I could lose 5 pounds and 5 inches.  Of course even more would be awesome....I just want to make sure that I'm setting attainable goals.  

I have to give a shout out to all of my friends who have been working so hard on their health goals ~ Marci, Nikki, Guy, Lori, Heather, Wendy, and Laurie you all inspire me.  Runs/walks/crossfit events etc. I am so very proud of all of you.  If I'm missing someone I apologize (hey give me a break, I'm getting old).

If anyone has any workout DVDs that you love - please let me know.  I'm more prone to things that involve dancing!  But all suggestions are certainly welcome.  

Also any secrets that keep you motivated - feel free to share!  

I will keep you posted on my progress - feel free to share your success stories.  I LOVE hearing those!  

I'm giving myself the advice I give others ----- DO IT!