Tuesday, July 2, 2013


All of us have dreams.  Some of those dreams start when we are children and follow us into adulthood.  If we're lucky, some of them come true.  

For as far back as I can remember one of my dreams has been to be a "rockstar".  My passion is music. I love to be on stage.  After 2 decades of supporting live music in the area, you would think that I would have found my way into a band.   Often times I would sing at open jams in the area and I would be asked why I wasn't in a band.  It never seemed to be in the cards.

Several months ago I was at one of the jams - my friend Marcell was part of the house band.  I got up and did a song with them.  On his break he approached me and complimented me.  He asked me why I wasn't in a band.  Best answer I could give him was that no one had ever asked me.  You could tell by the look on his face that the wheels started spinning.

After a number of conversations he asked me if I would be interested in doing a wedding with his band the Rhythm Kings this fall.  The couple had requested a female singer.  Ummm YES!!!!  We started rehearsing - one thing led to another and I was asked to perform with the band at Summerfest.  

Summerfest - the holy grail of music.  The world's largest music festival.  And I was being asked to sing.  I was like a kid in a candy store!

Our show was Sunday night on the JoJo's stage.  I performed 4 songs with the band. It was crazy fun.  I loved every second of it.  What a rush to have a crowd sing along with me!  The feedback I got was very positive.  I didn't want the night to end.  Not only did I get to sing at Summerfest, I got to sing at Summerfest with some of the most talented musicians in the city.  What a humbling experience.  

By far one of the best nights of my life.  Dreams definitely do come true!!!!!

Stay tuned....hopefully there will be more dates in the future!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

get fit adventure

yep - it's been awhile since i've posted. time to get back on track!!!

so....if you haven't read about it on my facebook page yet - i'm involved in a get fit adventure with my bosses at miss O and some of my friends.  we even started a fan page - you can follow our journey (or join in the adventure) at O'get buckled.

the adventure revolves around setting goals/having 40 days of purpose.  and we're supposed to share those goals. here we go ~

my nutrition goals:  cut down on diet soda and alcohol (sigh), drink a LOT more water (my goal is 10 cups a day), and up the fruits and veggies.

my fitness goals: go to the gym 4 times a week, drop a jeans size by the end of the end of the 40 days.

my personal goals:  make more time for myself, read a book (you laugh - but i can't tell you the last time i took time out to just sit down and read a book).

i've shared with you - now it's official.  part of this adventure is being accountable.  i even have an accountability partner!!!!!!  keeping it real.

week one of the get fit adventure is coming to a close.  here's what i know for sure:
~it IS possible to drink 10 cups of water a day 
~i CAN go an entire week without any diet soda 
~even though i would have really LIKED a drink one of the two nights that i was out in a bar this week, i had the willpower to say no
~it is possible to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my meals
~eating out it not off limits, just have to make good choices
~going a whole week without fast food IS possible
~even though i order fish on fish FRY friday - it's possible (and quite tasty) to have it baked instead
~french fries are NOT a requirement when ordering a burger at a restaurant
~even when i'm tired - going to the gym and working out makes me feel better...have to remember that's MY time
~the elliptical machine is not as evil as i once thought it to be...in fact we became bff's this week

so there you have it!  please feel free to share any healthy habits, advice etc.  i would love to hear fro you!

and yes - i will be focusing a lot on my get fit adventure with this blog ---but i will still be writing about other things i love ----like live music, theater, dining experiences etc.  thanks for reading!

happy sunday everyone!!!!