Sunday, April 28, 2013

get fit adventure

yep - it's been awhile since i've posted. time to get back on track!!!

so....if you haven't read about it on my facebook page yet - i'm involved in a get fit adventure with my bosses at miss O and some of my friends.  we even started a fan page - you can follow our journey (or join in the adventure) at O'get buckled.

the adventure revolves around setting goals/having 40 days of purpose.  and we're supposed to share those goals. here we go ~

my nutrition goals:  cut down on diet soda and alcohol (sigh), drink a LOT more water (my goal is 10 cups a day), and up the fruits and veggies.

my fitness goals: go to the gym 4 times a week, drop a jeans size by the end of the end of the 40 days.

my personal goals:  make more time for myself, read a book (you laugh - but i can't tell you the last time i took time out to just sit down and read a book).

i've shared with you - now it's official.  part of this adventure is being accountable.  i even have an accountability partner!!!!!!  keeping it real.

week one of the get fit adventure is coming to a close.  here's what i know for sure:
~it IS possible to drink 10 cups of water a day 
~i CAN go an entire week without any diet soda 
~even though i would have really LIKED a drink one of the two nights that i was out in a bar this week, i had the willpower to say no
~it is possible to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my meals
~eating out it not off limits, just have to make good choices
~going a whole week without fast food IS possible
~even though i order fish on fish FRY friday - it's possible (and quite tasty) to have it baked instead
~french fries are NOT a requirement when ordering a burger at a restaurant
~even when i'm tired - going to the gym and working out makes me feel better...have to remember that's MY time
~the elliptical machine is not as evil as i once thought it to fact we became bff's this week

so there you have it!  please feel free to share any healthy habits, advice etc.  i would love to hear fro you!

and yes - i will be focusing a lot on my get fit adventure with this blog ---but i will still be writing about other things i love ----like live music, theater, dining experiences etc.  thanks for reading!

happy sunday everyone!!!!

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