Friday, February 11, 2011

The Year of Reinvention ~ Update #1

I'm pretty happy about the baby steps I've taken so far this year.  The Year of Reinvention is off to a great start! Some updates:

*Shaking it up even more where the healthy living is concerned.  Not seeing the results I want with the way I'm doing things.  Sooooooo......going to try something else.  Rather than get frustrated and throw in the towel I am going to channel that energy and focus on making additional changes....positive changes!I will not be defeated dammit! 

*With that being said.....let me tell you about my first Zumba class.  For those of you have been to a Zumba class, you already know.  For those of you who haven't, I'm here to tell you that once you go through a 45 minute Zumba class you will hurt in places you didn't even know existed.  It is very high energy and a ton of fun.  Jeanne and I are definitely going to go at least once a week.  Lots and lots of calories being burned.  Maybe somewhere down the road I can teach a class---do the Zumba Latin signature moves but put it to some rock-n-roll music.  I'm telling you she did one routine to "Pour Some Sugar on Me" and I was able to get through the whole thing because I could sing along!  If you haven't tried a class......I highly recommend it!

*Trying to have more patience and not sweat the small stuff.  That is a constant battle for me.  I like everything the way I like it, when I like it.  I am not good at working on other people's time tables.  I have a lot of talks with myself when it comes to this. 

*One of the things I mentioned in my original "Reinvention" post was that I want to be more involved in church activities at Crosspoint.  This is also a work in progress.  My friend Cheryl commented to me one day that she thought I would be a great person to work in the youth ministry.  I took her advice and have been in communications with the Pastor of Youth Ministry.  I have a bit of a scheduling conflict as far as getting involved with the cell groups that they hold each week.  The details aren't important and they will sound like excuses anyway......bottom line is that I live in West Allis and go to church in Oconomowoc.  It's just going to be tough to get out there twice every week.  Right now I'm looking at getting involved with their special events as a volunteer.  Perhaps I have to take baby steps in this area too.  It will all work out. 

*I saved the best for last.  Cheryl and I have embarked on a very exciting new journey.  We enrolled in an American Sign Language class at WCTC.  We had our first class this past Tuesday.....LOVED it!  The instructor, "Suz", is amazing.  She is completely deaf, yet is able to speak perfectly.  That was a God moment when I found that out.  She has never heard a sound, never will - yet she can speak more clearly than many hearing people I have met.  She took the experience of a very rocky childhood (16 - yes I said 16 - foster homes) and used that as her driving force to succeed.  Not only does she teach sign language, she also teaches psychology at WCTC.  She shared with us that she was the first Latina woman in the United States to receive her doctoral degree.  Probably comes as no surprise that she is a sought after as a motivational speaker. It's worth the price of the class just to hear her story.  What an inspiration. 

The class was mostly an introduction.  We went through the syllabus and a few group activities.  I'll tell you this, sign language is not for anyone who is self conscious or afraid to express themselves.  I guess I'll have to learn how to break out of my shell a little ha!  It's another language and another culture to learn about...I'm very excited to learn more.  Did I mention that starting next week (yes, the second class) we will not be able to talk?  Yep.  She will not be speaking either.  She is going to teach us everything through signing.  Way to jump right into things! 

A little tidbit that some of you may want to look into.  She has a business where she teaches children 4 months to 5 years old....hearing and deaf.  How cool is that?  Apparently these classes are big on the West and East coasts and just now gaining attention in the Midwest.  Here's the link if you want to check it out (there is also a bio about Suz). 
baby signs
I hope that everyone is having a terrific year so far....thanks for reading!

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