Monday, October 3, 2011

Baby Steps...

I'm very proud of myself (hear that? It's me patting myself on the back!), I have been doing great things for myself through my ayurvedic journey. 

The hardest part of my journey is coming to grips with the fact that changes do not happen over night.  It took years to develop my current habits, it is going to take awhile to turn things around.  But you know what?  That's OK. I have seen progress and I know that I'm moving in the right direction. That is enough to keep me motivated.

Some very small lifestyle changes have reaped huge rewards as far as my health goes.  Some hilights:
  • I have more than doubled the amount of water that I used to drink (and it's not a chore, I'd rather drink water than soda).  I also enjoy celestial seasonings tea.
  • I rarely snack during the day (and if I do it's typically pistachios or cashews/not a candy bar for a quick sugar fix).
  • Vegetables are no longer the enemy.  I have grown to be quite fond of them.  I surprised myself yesterday by whipping together a lunch that was comprised of sauteed buttercup squash, onions, clarified butter and fresh thyme.  It was delish! I know, who am I?  It would be easier if Casey would jump on the vegetable train.  Not quite there yet. 
  • Exercising has become part of my routine.  I'm working on increasing time and intensity. But at least I'm doing SOMETHING!  
  • The herbs I'm taking make my food digest properly.  I eat when I'm hungry and stop before I'm full.  I don't crave anything anymore (it's pretty bizarre). 
  • My vision has gotten better.
  • My knee pain has decreased --not sure if it will ever be gone completely, but it is a gazillion times better.
  • I rarely have headaches.  My sinus problems seem to be something of the past (usually in weather like this I would be dying  with the pressure changes). 
  • I have less anxiety and no longer have bouts of mild depression
  • My skin looks healthier
This is just the beginning of my journey.  I am thrilled that by taking baby steps in self-care that I have seen such positive results.  What I love about ayurveda is that it's a lifestyle change.  Everything I do is for me.  What I put into it is what I'm getting out of it.  It's gradual. They are tools I can use forever.  It's not a "quick fix". 

Jamie has relocated and has her own space now in Pewaukee.  Here is a link to her site:  Feel free to message me with any questions.

More soon!!!!!!  Thanks for reading!!!!!


  1. Awesome job Cari... Keep up the good work! And the small lifestyle changes are the ones that will last forever =)

  2. It's the little steps that actually turn in to big changes. Way to keep up the great work and stay committed - to your Self! Ayurveda is only as successful as you make it and you are making it good:)
