Wednesday, September 7, 2011

this, that, and the other thing....

I haven't posted for awhile....time for some updates.

I heard one of those whispers yesterday- ok let's call it more of a shout - count your blessings Cari.  You never know what can happen or when your world will be turned upside down.  We found out that Casey's best friend Bret's brother Vance (and his entire family) were involved in a very serious car accident Monday evening.  A car came out of nowhere from a side street and hit their van, causing it to roll 4 times and hit a tree.  Vance and Kim were thrown from the vehicle.  Through God's grace, the kids  all walked away with minor injuries.  As I write this what I know is that Kim has multiple breaks and fractures.  She is in an immense amount of pain and is in the ICU.  Vance had been monitored for cerebral pressures. He is now breathing on his own.  He is in the neuro ICU. They are making miraculous strides. Even though I do not know this family personally, I am deeply affected by what happened to them.  All it took was an instant for everything to change.  They have set up a caring bridge site (yeah, wasn't easy logging onto caring bridge yesterday---but that is another story!) if you would like to follow their story and add your prayers for their healing:

Ayurveda update ~
I just had an appointment with Jamie last night and I'm proud to report that things are going very well.    Of the symptoms we're tracking, all are improving.  It's amazing to me how small adjustments can make such a huge impact on my health.  Don't get me wrong, it's a work in progress.  I'm by no means  at 100% yet, but I'm moving in the right direction. It feels good to be doing something positive for my health.  Best part is, I feel great!  A big shout out to all of my friends who are also making great strides in their healthy living goals.  You are all rock stars!

What's on the horizon~
Well...I am contemplating taking a writing class. I've always had an interest in writing children's books.  I've also spent an extensive amount of time over the years interviewing my grandma as I thought a memoir of her life would be a cool idea.  I need to find a way to focus on that creative side.  It's that or looking for a guitar player to start a duo.  hmmmmm.  Suggestions are welcomed :)

I guess that's it for now.  Just trying to wind down after a wild and crazy summer.  Looking forward to being less busy and being able to spend more time at home.  Hope everyone is well!

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