Sunday, July 10, 2011

One month in ~ ayurveda update

Thanks for following along on my ayurvedic journey.  I'll tell you what ~after just a month I have already experienced positive results from making very slight changes and taking my daily herbs.  The whole thing is very fascinating to me.  It blows my mind that by making very small changes, some of my "symptoms" have dramatically improved in such a short time.

My last appointment with Jamie was a follow up where we compared the information I originally provided to her with how I felt at that time.  Of the 13 "symptoms" we are tracking, 8 of them showed improvement.  After taking my ayurvedic pulse, Jamie noted that my vatta dosha had decreased. Not bad!

The symptom that has most notably improved in my opinion is my chronic problem with sinus congestion. Yeah, it's pretty much non existent now. I honestly cannot remember the last time I didn't feel pressure/have difficulty breathing. Seemed like I was always "stuffy". It sounds odd, but being able to take a deep breath in (using both nostrils) feels amazing.  For those of you chronic sufferers, you know what I'm talking about.  I will also point out that typically on a day like today (high humidity), I would normally have a terrible headache.  Nope, nothing, nada.  I'm a happy girl.

I'm more conscious of what I'm eating and stopping (most of the time) way before I'm "full".  It's not perfect - probably never will be - but I'm moving in the right direction.

For those of you who have been reading since I started this blog you know that one of my obstacles has always been getting enough water in each day.  Now I easily drink 6-8 cups without much effort.  In my world, that is huge!  I have discovered unique ways to make water more exciting.  Y'all know about the lemon wedges.  Have you ever tried a slice of cucumber? Sounds odd, but it's very refreshing.  The other thing I have been doing is throwing a tea bag into a cold glass of water.  My favorite is celestial seasonings raspberry zinger.  Yum!  No calories, no artificial sweeteners, all natural ingredients and just enough to make water a bit more interesting.  My "craving" for soda is pretty much gone.  I am not completely off of it yet, but close.

Another big change is that I've started meditating.  The first couple of times I did it I felt goofy doing it. But now I look forward to it.  It's a phenomenal feeling to quiet the noise inside of your head.  It's very refreshing.  I highly recommend it!

Just like with anything else, there are always going to be obstacles. I'm having a tough time with 2 of the things that Jamie added to my program at the follow up visit.  Eating outside of the office and taking a small walk at lunch time. I'm working on it!

All in all I'm very pleased with the results I've experienced so far.  The journey is truly about self discovery.  Sometimes I like what I discover and sometimes not so much.  The hardest thing is coming to grips with the fact that everything is not going to change overnight.  Yes, once again I am reminded I need to work on being patient.

I will be meeting with Jamie later this week. I will post results soon!

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