Monday, November 1, 2010

Rainy Days and Mondays~Day 1

Mondays have always been my day for starting over.  Starting over with a diet.  I think I've been on a perpetual diet on and off for most of my adult life.  Heck, I'm quite certain that if there was an award for the most "day 1's", I would be the winner.  Not exactly sure that is something to be proud of or not.

I won't get into the nitty gritty details, but the bottom line is I'm once again starting over.  It's Monday and it's the beginning of the month.....seems like the perfect day to start over.  I get so frustrated with myself.  I know what needs to be done, I just fail to put myself first to get it done!

I have learned a lot through the years about how to be healthier, I just need to apply it.  Mondays will be a day to share stories of my journey to a healthier lifestyle.

It's all about balance.  It's not about starving yourself, it's about making better choices.  It's about making time to exercise---putting yourself first.  It's about realizing that change comes from within.  Most importantly it is the realization that making the changes have to be for YOU....not for anyone else.

I don't want to make this a check in point where I have to disclose how much weight I've lost each week.  I want it to be more about discoveries along the way.

This week I've given myself 2 very easy and attainable goals.  The first is to drink more water.  This one seems like a no-brainer----but I find it is very easy to get caught up in the convenience of grabbing a soda.  Water!Water!Water! The other goal is to keep up with my food journal.  Many years when I belonged to WW that was the best piece of advice I received.  It's an easy and effective way to count calories, keep track of exercise, etc.  Simple stuff right?  Well, we shall see!


  1. I too have struggled my entire life.. up and down like a yo yo... its time to put US first.. and take the baby steps necessary to change our lives to be healthier women =) I KNOW you can drink the water & I KNOW you can journal... YOU GO GIRL!!

  2. Well you know Heather, we can inspire each other....what kind of goals do you have? I'm here to be your cheerleader! Let's do this. Let's focus on getting healthy and any weight goals that we have will naturally follow. Let's DO IT!
