Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sunday Dinner ~ soup is your friend

With Casey starting his new job, I've had to be very careful about keeping the grocery bill in check (this is one area that we tend to go a little crazy because we do so much cooking).  There might be a few of you out there that are watching your budgets as I'm here to tell you....soup is your friend.  I love making a couple soups on Sunday for the week.  They are inexpensive and they are (usually) pretty easy to make.

This week we are having creamy potato leek soup and sweet potato peanut soup.

I have oodles of recipes so if you are looking for some ideas let me know.  Here are the ones that I can think of off the top of my head:

butternut squash
carrot ginger
chicken pot pie
beef vegetable
french onion
creamy tomato
chicken dumpling
chicken corn chowder

And no, I don't have a recipe for mulligatawny (hell I don't even know how to spell it)...but all of you Seinfield fans will know what I'm talking about! Let me know if you are interested.  I'm always happy to share!


  1. These soups sound amazing! I would like the recipes to the chicken dumpling and chicken pot pie soups, if you get a minute :) And the creamy tomato, since that is my all time favorite!

  2. I will get them for you Jennifer :)
