Sunday, October 31, 2010


I have been talking about putting up a blog for some time.  As is usually the case, life gets in the way and the project got shelved for "higher priority" items! OK if we're going to start this off on the right foot, I'm going for full disclosure.  I have been caught up with WHAT to write about. Everything I've seen about starting a blog states that you should find your "niche".  Well easier said then done.  I have so many interests, how am I supposed to pick one!  

The answer became clear to me.  I don't have to play by the rules, I don't have to pick one topic and focus on it.  I can write about whatever is on my mind.  So there. Decision made.  Some days it might be deep thoughts about relationships, another day it might be a favorite recipe.  Afterall, it's supposed to reflect a little piece of my world.  In any event....the overall goal is to keep it positive ~ let's focus on having a love 4 life! Thanks for stopping by....enjoy the ride!


  1. 7 years ago when I started blogging it was about people's lives -- which meant that they talked about anything and everything. Those types of blogs are still my favorites! Niche blogs just aren't my thing. Have fun!!!

  2. Thanks Melanie...I hope to make it interesting enough to keep people coming back. I'm going to get through my first week of posts before I spread the word. Thanks for inspiring me to get this thing going!
